The Aryan Theory
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Vedic Aryans entered India between 1,500 and 1,200 B.C.They conquered the native Indians “Dravidian culture” by virtue of their superiority due to their horses & iron weapons. Vedas, upnishad and poetic Epics like Mahabharta and Ramayan were written during this period.

However, I Refuse to believe this history, which without any proof intentionally tries to make Indians ashamed of their own culture, which tries to deprive Indians of their vedic heritage and try to convince that entire wealth of culture and knowledge came from foreign soil. there have been lot of loopholes like…
- The biggest Setback to this theory is that there is no trace for a foreign intrusion have been found from north-central asia to India either archiologically, linguistic, cultural nor genetic in nature.
- On one side there is a vast vedic literature without any archiological findings and on the other hand there are more than 2500 sites across indus-saraswati Civilisation to gujrat without no literature associated with it.The proofs indicates that these are same cultures and to an unbiased researcher these things make sense.
- How is it that illiterate, marauding, migrating Aryans overwhelmed an allegedly highly advanced Native Indian Civilization(Dravidians) that left no written records.
- They defeated Dravidians with their superior weapons and horses but how dramatically they started using chariots instead of horses(the advantage alexander have over aryans again : “Horses”).
- How Does Aryan Invasion happened 1500-2000 BC but Indus Valley civilization archeological proofs tells that Aryans were there from 4000 BC.There are no other homeland for Aryans recorded in Vedas outside India as well as Vedas tells about Saraswati River which dried up in 1500 BC due to major tectonic movements or plate shifts in the Earth’s crust.
and for Mahabharat and Ramayan, they can’t be just a poetic fiction as…..
The time and place of events have been accurately recorded. Based on the Computer generated sky maps for the specific dates of Epic, the planetary positions indicated therein and the quotes from the Epic and other scriptures about the events matches very precisely. The match would not occur if the dates were wrong.
Not much poetic description of the flora-and-fauna is given. Such description in ornate language is only used in fictional works and not while recording history.
The cities established by certain kings has been noted in detail.the cities even exists today. not required for a fictional work.
Archaeological excations has discovered the submerged city of Dwaraka. This is the same Dwaraka as mentioned in the Mahabharat. [ The city of Dwaraka has been reckoned to have drowned in between 2000-3000 B.C.]
A number of dynasties with their long lineage of kings have been presented in both. More than 50 kings from King Barhi to the Pandava King have been recorded. Additional information about the King, his wife, his scions, his relations, etc. have been accounted in great detail. If it were just fiction, only 4-5 kings would have sufficed to build the story on. Then why such mind-boggling details ?
The dynasties recorded in the Ramayan and the Mahabharat concur without a difference. Even the relations between different kings and their dynasties in both the great “epics” match with each other. If both were mere “epics” written by two entirely different person at two different times, why would everything match even upto minor details ?
Shared these details as I am proud of my rich Vedic Culture and its history. I am proud of the facts that we gave the world “zero”,vedic mathematics, Yoga, Vedas and endless things.
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